Monday, 22 March 2010

Spring Cleaning

The last few weeks have been very busy for the BBS team. Many of our clients have scheduled in for their databases to be cleansed. Spring is officially the season for database cleaning! Clients large and small have been making sure that everything is up-to-date before they carry on into the year.

Data cleanses are a very important task and one that is often neglected. A question needs to be asked, how much do you rely on your computer database? For most companies it is their most important tool so in order to make sure it is working to their advantage it needs to be regularly updated. Companies move, telephone numbers are changed and people leave. To work for you, your database needs to be aware of these changes. Here are a few more of the benefits:

 Increases efficiency of data
 Reduced waste from mailing to inaccurate contacts and duplicates
 Improved company image
 Improved response rate
 Ensures efforts are targeted

So don’t waste time and money… It’s time for spring clean!

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