Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Live Life 2010

This week you will find the team in Heywood distributing leaflets for Live Life 2010, the big healthy living show at Heywood Civic Centre organised by HMRPCT and Rochdale Council. The show will be held next Wednesday the 10th of March from 11am to 8pm and will provide a great host of ideas for a healthier lifestyle including a range of free interactive demonstrations and activities. If all that wasn't enough, Ricky Tomlinson from The Royale Family will also be popping in over the course of the day. I wonder if we will find him making the most of the free health checks available!

You will find the girls this week located in Morrison’s Supermarket and Dunnes Department Store talking to customers to promote the show and handing out flyers. The team also networked with retailers in Heywood in order to get their involvement in our promotion by asking them to hand out leaflets to customers and display posters in their shops. This was achieved with great enthusiasm by the retailers emphaisising what a great cause this is.

The team are at present just about managing to keep their eyes off the bargains in the shops in order to spot potential visitors to the show. Why not come over and grab your leaflet and find out more?

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