Thursday, 10 December 2009

The Days Before Christmas

Great news everyone
Christmas is nearly here
The fun will begin
For another year

A few things to do
Before the big day
Looking at my to do list
I should have started in May

Cards to write
To everyone I know
Cannot miss the post
Or they wont go

Then into town
To start on my list
Oh I really hope
There is no one I have missed

Weaving through the crowds
To buy what I need
Time is running out
Will I succeed?

Back at home
I put up the tree
Detangling the lights
Requires a degree

Wrapping the presents
Is the next job
Oh No! where is the cellotape
I am ready to sob

Phew! Everything is done
I will start earlier next year
Time for a drink now
Eeh! That is the best idea

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Creme de la Creme

On Tuesday night we all piled into the car on a cold, frosty evening to attend the Creme De La Creme event hosted by Stanley House in the Ribble Valley.

As we entered the beautifully restored seventeenth century barn, we were welcomed by the glamorous staff with the Christmas tree lights glistening in the background and the mulled wine flowing. The team were ready for their first Christmas dinner of December and were rushing to get up the stairs and get to the drinks reception.

I was particularly embarrassed by the girls as I was nominated to have my portrait taken by Spencer the caricaturist. Spencer did a fantastic job of making me look younger and far more sensational.

We had an amazing evening that was filled with chuckles and giggles as we listened to Clive Gott the inspirational speaker. Clive humored the room as he talked about self esteem and self image. We had a fantastic night and would like to thank Stanley House for having us.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

17 Again

Well it is not everyday, or in every job, that you get the opportunity to be 17 again. But that is exactly the kind of special opportunity I was given this weekend.

On Saturday it was time for BBS to complete the mystery shopping research project for a college Open Day. As the youngest members of the team Bhavina and I were allotted to play the roles of the 17 year old school leavers. As my first experience of such a project I was determined to get into character. On the Friday night I put one of my very lucky friends through the experience of watching 17 Again with the lovely Zac Effron. I have to say that it was one of the most enjoyable, cringing two hours of film I have ever sat through and I would thoroughly recommend it!

Saturday morning it was off to college and after a good hour fluffing over my appearance (as every 17 year old would) I was on my way. After telling registration that I had not decided what to do next I was stuck with more stickers than a toddler at Wacky Warehouse. Moving round the different departments I went from wanting to join the army to wanting to be a child care assistant all in the space of a few hours (I knew I should have been an actress). As enjoyable as all this was I would say that I forgot how exhausting being a teenager was. By 5pm I was ready to be me again in order to chill out with a cool glass of wine but my oh my what a day.

Friday, 20 November 2009

Santa Claus is Coming to Town...

The Coca-Cola advert is on, I have a countdown to Christmas on the whiteboard next to my head and everyone in the BBS team all have their very own Secret Santa sat somewhere in the office (the last two are thanks to our super-organised office fairy Bhavina). Santa Claus is officially coming to town.

Despite this I am still trying to deny that Christmas is anywhere near. It is only November! But after picking our Secret Santa at the beginning of the week it is impossible not to be suckered into the game of trying to guess who has who. For some reason I seem to be the last one to figure it out. I am putting this down to lack of practice (after all this is only my first BBS Christmas) rather than me just being a little bit slow off the mark. I have figured out 2 out of 4 so I am on high alert for someone to trip up so I can complete the puzzle.

As I have been writing I have been told that both Bhavina (surprise, surprise) and Ruth have already bought their Secret Santa presents. The race is now on for getting this done. I have already accepted I have lost this race. The only possible Christmas Competition I could win is for the cheesiest Christmas songs. Britney Spears Christmas album anyone?

Ok this is for the girls in the office - Only 35 days till Christmas!!!

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Welcome to the BBS blog

This is the official Brighter Business Solutions blog. You're very welcome - so watch this space for regular updates.